So how has life been for you? I moved into my apartment two weeks ago. It's modest but it's mine (and DesireƩ's but she's not here :/). I got a nice, firm twin mattress and box for under $170 (new!). That was nice. DesireƩ moved her stuff in this last weekend and while she was in town we got a sweet futon for $50. Pretty awesome too. I still need a dresser and a desk as all my stuff is in piles on the floor. I'm not that kind of messy so it's annoying.
Saturday after moving in I went to a wedding. I didn't really cry except when the bride's father (also officiating the wedding, he definitely got teary during the ceremony) got out the couple's True Love Waits cards and talked about how they made promises to keep themselves pure until marriage. There was something beautiful about that, in it being such a rare thing these days. I never signed those little cards but I have and will continue to hold to that principle. I've lost nothing and missed out on nothing because of that decision.
The rest of the weekend was uneventful, church and failed plans for a picnic. Monday classes begin and I show up to work and class a few minutes late. Great start, eh? [dangit, I said "eh?" more on that later]. I'm a TA for physiological chemistry I again. Again, I love working with the students. They seem to be better this summer than during the spring. The questions are better and it's more laid back (despite the crazy heavy schedule of cramming 16 weeks of class into 5). Calculus is...calculus. I have the same professor for this course as I did the first time I took cal 2. So far, he's shown himself to be a personable and fun teacher (sort of) but I feel his patience with me is low. More on that later.
Monday I also got my internet connected. It's the slow version (unless I got the wrong modem) so I'll have to upgrade or quit WoW and browsing with multiple tabs open to deviantART (image heavy) and youtube and twitter and facebook, etc. (lol, yeah right). Anyway, I log onto facebook and the first thing I see is some big news. It's not news I really wanted to learn about through facebook but such is life.
About the "eh?": After getting back into WoW, I got into Vent again to talk to my guild mates. One of the guild mates, whose main character is Evisona (gnome warlock with a mohawk now black but was way cooler pink) was also on Vent. He's a new guy (well at least since I'd been gone) and I quickly noticed his interesting accent. He's actually from Manitoba, a province in Canada. He's pretty cool, like just about all the Canadians I've met so far, but he would say "Eh?" all the time! It wasn't long before I started using it, too; in my writing and even speaking. I put the blame squarely on him. Canadians are invading my life, at the university, at the martial arts school I occasionally attend, in WoW (several, actually), even my favorite shows (all the Stargate franchises were/are filmed in Canada with several Canadian actors in the cast and crew). The only Canadian I can think of that I may not like so much is Keanu Reeves but no one cares about him. :P
So school went along. The first day of lab, the students were pretty quiet (lab safety lecture was all we did) and I wasn't sure how they liked me. The next day was much better, they were quick to ask questions and we all felt much more at ease. By the end of the week we settled into a comfortable relationship so it's all good.
Calculus, was not so great. I thought I was doing okay. I did my homework and put some equations and theorems on my allowed "cheat" card for the first test. I felt good about the test, too but I got it back yesterday and it was a 68%. That doesn't quite cut it for me, or this course. I need at least a C as required for my physics classes, a B to boost my GPA and that A seems a bit out of reach considering my entire grade rests on 5 tests worth 20% each. Not cool. I did the math and my average test score for the next four test would need to be 83% just to get a B, 95.5% to get an A. Not much wiggle room. I suppose not having taken Cal 2 since last summer doesn't help. I kind of wished I had taken Cal 3 last fall with Arrigo (who I had for Cal 2 and is the best math teacher I've had) instead of physics or teaching methods. Oh well, nothing I can do about that, gotta deal with it now.
In other news, I'm working a friendship with someone that I'm not really sure how it's going. There was some awkward confusion surrounding it but hopefully it's all straightened out. My only desire for that friendship (as with any of mine) is that I can serve them in any way they need me to. I love all my friends so dearly. I've noticed that most of them are men but I'm not complaining. ;P Joking aside, I truly am grateful for them. God has used them all to help fill a void I wasn't really aware of until a few months ago. Some are encouraging, others give wisdom, some help me with things, they're all a blast to hang out and have fun with. I would gladly do anything for any of my brothers and mentors, they only have to ask. I count this new friendship (not a new person but as a friend of friends) among my beloved brothers, pure and simple. I hope he'll come to understand that.
Great news! Our beloved Lady of Perpetual Responsibility, Grace, returns from France in a couple days. We're all so excited for her to return (with some good French food and wine, j/k). I'm sure she's ready to be home, too. I've been keeping up with her blogs from France (which have been pretty detailed :D) but it'll be nice to talk to her directly about it all (maybe after she's rested from the return trip).
What else? I started keeping a proper diary. I'm writing in the one where I used to only write about guys I was interested (which were far and few between) but it all started with a little note chemistry (I've already told you about my love for the abstract subject). I've since added entries almost daily. They focus a lot on the internal: what's on my mind, what I'm feeling, what God's doing with me. Not so much about the external events and things I write about here.
Speaking of God, it's time for church. I really need to updated Gems in the Rough, I have about 5 ideas I've started but not finished. Well, lots of love and happiness to you! Hopefully I will write again soon. Probably not.