I've known for a while now that my personality has settled into the Myers-Briggs Type known as INTP or according to Keirsey, the Rational Architect. Such knowledge has been useful in being mindful of my weaknesses and focusing to develop my strengths. Lately I've been learning what my friends' types are and what that means for the relationship. It's common for conflicts to arise from differences in personality. For instance, my roommate has a strong "feeling" preference while mine is more "thinking". She may view me as too rational and maybe even cold at times while I may see her has annoyingly irrational because she's not thinking with her head. I value knowledge and competence, she may not so much. She has a strong sense of morality and justice, the world is in black and white. I see shades of gray. You can see where we might butt heads (and believe me, we do).
This all helps me keep things in perspective. Contrary to popular belief, I am not the center of the universe and not everyone thinks and feels as I do. I hope to continue learning about myself and others so that we can all work together to our strengths and overcoming our weaknesses.
So tell me about yourself! Take this test: http://similarminds.com/jung.html. Check out more info on your result at Personality Page, which has not only an overview of your personality but also info that may help in choosing careers, understanding your type in relationships and even direction on personal growth. Keirsey's website also has plenty of good information to work with: your personality, working with other types in work, school, family and love. Finally, Socionics has some fascinating information on relationships between the types: what to expect, what it is, strengths and weaknesses inherent to your type of relationship. I'd love to see how your personality matches up with mine.