nbsp; She then wandered the city. The city air was heavy with the sweet and rich scents of magic. She was grateful for the arctic mountain breezes that puffed through. She visited the flight master so that she may fly there again from any other place in Northrend before finding the Silver Enclave. She nearly got lost finding A Hero's Welcome, the inn, to speak to the inn keeper about making it her home.
After, she took a portal to the dwarven capitol of Ironforge. There, she bought a gryphon ride to the Wetlands. She wanted to arrive at the Howling Fjord properly. She made her way through the stagnant, soupy air to the docks and boarded the boat. She was glad when it left the bay, she always hated swamps and marshes. Once they were closer to Northrend, she climbed up to the bow and stood on the railing as the boat glided through the mist. She tried to adjust her stance but fell into the frigid waters instead. The boat paddled on ahead while she was left to swim.
nbsp; When she lost her speed she had finally made it to Daggercap Bay. She swam the short distance, now quite exhausted and moving slowly. She dragged herself ashore on the dark frozen soil beside the docks. The settlement was not small but certainly no city either. Utgarde towered to the north. She had heard stories of it and been invited more than once to join a party of adventurers to explore but had been too busy to do so. She was sore, wet, cold and tired. She would rest soon enough but first some matters to attend to.
She spoke with a dwarf on the docks who impressed upon her the importance of keeping the settlement safe and asked that she speak to a Vice Admiral Keller. Keller agreed that her help was needed and gave her a task. She promised she would help fight the invading Vrykul and worgs the next day. She spoke with gryphon master of the area, noted with curiosity the turkeys strutting about, and finally bought a room for the night at the inn. Tomorrow she would face this cold new world and brave what dangers she found.