I'm always startled to notice how quickly time passes. You think I'd be used to it by now. Time is a strange entity, though. So many memories feel simultaneously like yesterday and a lifetime ago. Talking with a friend yesterday [wait, yesterday? yeah], she expressed the same perception of time. Days run together, a month is more like a fortnight. Even now, I realized I spent a good four to six hours updating the design on my blog. Websites are too finicky about their image sizes. :/
So what has happened in the past....six weeks? [cue more time shock] God pointed out Cris's boldness in sharing his faith with others; a boldness born out of love. Only then, did my mind finally rest on that issue. A couple days later, I stumbled onto another person's life. Somehow, I'm being a light in it. Another thing with God written all over it. I can only hope it continues to be Him and not me.
My time as Guild Master of Hieratic is coming to a close. It was fun but I'll be glad to hand it off to another Commander come Sunday. I've never really considered myself a leader but here I am, herding cats across the internet. Those cats are the reason I keep coming back to WoW. I don't care about the game half as much as I do them. Sure, I like the quests & lore, hanging out in a fantasy world, imagining an epic tale revolving around my character...but if the game ended tomorrow I'd only really miss my friends.
Speaking of games, I've gotten more into gaming-themed channels. I've been a fan of TotalBiscuit (aka the Cynical Brit, TotalHalibut on Youtube) for several months now. More recently I've followed Jesse Cox (OMFGCata on youtube). Through him, I've started keeping up with Aevynne, Chiib (Iamchiib on Youtube) on Chiib's sister Trish (WoWAcai). I'm really enjoying the content they put out. It's entertaining for so many reasons. It kind of takes me back to when my brother and I were younger. I used to watch him play video games more than I played them. He was always better than me, anyway. lol. It's also nice to see the co-operative play. I can't quite figure out why, maybe it's fun to see friends playing together and laughing about how badly they're doing. Who knows?
Class was fun. I usually like my education classes. I took "Content Literacy Development" for the first summer session. I learned a lot about teaching reading and comprehension. There were so many useful strategies I can use. The class got me reading again. I had to read Speak for the class; a wonderful piece of young adult literature. On my own, I read Napoleon's Buttons and The Disappearing Spoon (which I'm still reading).
As usual, I was TA for a chemistry lab. This time it was physiological chemistry 2, now called "Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry". Dr. Isom was a cool professor to work with. I'm assisting for the same class for the second summer session but with Dr. Yarberry. She writes so neatly on the board. I'm a little envious, to be honest.
One last thing, my roommate is moving out. We didn't have a fight or anything like that. It was just time. God had a hand in it (naturally). That leaves me needing a roommate, however. I'm trusting that God will work it out. Either I'll get a roommate, another place will open up or I actually make enough from being a TA to keep the financial burden down for my parents. I suppose we'll see. :)
I just realized I haven't eaten in about eight or nine hours, lol. Time and time again, you foil me, Time. Here's to hoping I spend it wisely.