Whew! So yesterday we drove up from Texas to my brother's apartment near his campus. Ten hours is always a tiring ride (must have been worse for my dad driving it). We picked up my small fridge that we left with him and went to the grand opening Mexican restaurant that was within walking distance of his place. His girlfriend and his roommate joined me and my dad. The food was awesome but the Mariachi band was a little louder than conversation could overcome. Afterward we went back to the apartment and had some desert (brownie, strawberry cake, "cookie" cake made with yellow butter batter and chocolate chips). I suggested they try the demo for Mirror's Edge, it took a good 15-20 minutes to download and install (bleh). I'm not so sure they liked it though. Oh well.
This morning I had a couple pastries and a blueberry mini-muffin from the continental breakfast at the hotel we were staying at. I was hoping to see Derek before leaving but my parents decided to leave early when I stated my intention of trying to get in touch with him. It upset me but I kept thinking on the scenic drive down that I could have sent him a message the night before to confirm or cancel any plans for the morning.
My room for summer is small and I'm sharing with another girl. We bunked our beds to make more room. It looks kind of nice now. The bathroom isn't so great though. We share it with another pair of girls on the other side of it. We haven't seen them yet but they left little room for us to put our stuff in there. I managed to fit everything in my closet so it's okay. I can take it in there with me as I need. I just hope I deal well with having a roommate for the first time. Ever. Unless you count my brother from when we were really young. XP
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Warcraft and Movies
So this weekend, I decided to kill some time with Key (Keyaru the one that hit 70) by earning a few "acheivements". Being 70 is awesome when you're questing in a 30-45 zone. I learned that Ambush kills enemies instantly. I love it. There's nothing like beating down enemies that don't stand a chance against you. I also got Key a gun. Actually, I think it's a rifle. Either way, for some reason I kinda feel sexy shooting that thing. It's fun.
Anyway my fellow guild member, Summonpain, asked for a "run" through Zul'Farrak, an instance/dungeon in the desert zone of Tanaris for levels 40-50. Another from our guild, Brinsel was invited to come but he took his time. So as were waiting for Brin to show up, Summon and I duel. I win. A few times. lol. To give him a chance to win against me, I take off all my armor. I mean all. As I was taking it off, Summon freaks out and goes "woah mama". At this point, Key is only in her guild tabard and a shirt (there was underwear too but that's part of the model). It still takes Summon a while to beat me.
It's at this point, a few Horde characters show up. Specifically, a troll hunter and a blood elf paladin. I think there was a Tauren too but I don't remember and it's not important to the story. So the blood elf start flirting with me! Repeatedly. I smack him a few times and even tell him "no" but being on different factions, not so easy to communicate.
He duels his troll buddy and finally I get the chance to duel him. I go into stealth and Ambush him. Naturally, he instantly loses. The troll laughs. The elf cries and Summon says that was kinda harsh.
I duel the elf a few more times and at one point I was just shooting him. It was so funny but to be honest, it's just like Key to be that way. Some little blood elf paladin thinks he's good enough to talk to her? A rogue, Alliance no less, no way! She, as I did, would enjoy shooting him with her rifle as he runs around crying like a little girl because she was being mean. The whole time, the troll is laughing at him. We're all talking but the game makes it to Alliance and Horde can't communicate. So whatever that troll was saying, it had a few apostrophes and strange syllables and therefore, unintelligible.
Finally, Brin shows up and to be nuts, I send the flirt emote on the paladin before running inside the instance. We're not in there two minutes when a new character sends me a "whisper" (private message), saying he was the paladin and told me I was hot, etc. I had to laugh, he makes this compliment on the basis of my in-game character at the time. Turns out to be some high school kid. It's so fun to mess with those guys. I intend to continue doing so for some time. I just have to make to make it clear, I already like someone else. :P
In other news, I saw two movies with my family this weekend: 17 Again and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Both were entertaining and it was nice to get out.
17 Again was all right, though I still hate Zac Effron. Maybe in about 10-15 years if he's proven himself to be good actor not some Disney pretty boy I might respect that but...I just have a problem with pretty boys that are in movies to look pretty and draw the tween and teen crowd to waste their money because they're in it. The movie was predictable and it had it's moments so awkward you're not sure whether to cry or laugh at how bad it is.
Night at the Museum was much better, especially since it was in IMAX. Not exactly an Oscar winner but it was cute and story was...all right. lol. Some of the characters were flat but overall it was a funny movie.
Ahh, summer
After seeing Night at the Museum, we went to get snow cones. We almost went to the one there by the theater but we didn't. Instead we decided to go to the one in town. It had moved! Ack, but only a few short minutes later we found it. My dad got blueberry and I got "Blue Hawaii". It was good. The stand was by a park so we sat on a bench and enjoyed the warm weather was we ate our sugar soaked ice. That is what summer is all about.
So this weekend, I decided to kill some time with Key (Keyaru the one that hit 70) by earning a few "acheivements". Being 70 is awesome when you're questing in a 30-45 zone. I learned that Ambush kills enemies instantly. I love it. There's nothing like beating down enemies that don't stand a chance against you. I also got Key a gun. Actually, I think it's a rifle. Either way, for some reason I kinda feel sexy shooting that thing. It's fun.
Anyway my fellow guild member, Summonpain, asked for a "run" through Zul'Farrak, an instance/dungeon in the desert zone of Tanaris for levels 40-50. Another from our guild, Brinsel was invited to come but he took his time. So as were waiting for Brin to show up, Summon and I duel. I win. A few times. lol. To give him a chance to win against me, I take off all my armor. I mean all. As I was taking it off, Summon freaks out and goes "woah mama". At this point, Key is only in her guild tabard and a shirt (there was underwear too but that's part of the model). It still takes Summon a while to beat me.
It's at this point, a few Horde characters show up. Specifically, a troll hunter and a blood elf paladin. I think there was a Tauren too but I don't remember and it's not important to the story. So the blood elf start flirting with me! Repeatedly. I smack him a few times and even tell him "no" but being on different factions, not so easy to communicate.
He duels his troll buddy and finally I get the chance to duel him. I go into stealth and Ambush him. Naturally, he instantly loses. The troll laughs. The elf cries and Summon says that was kinda harsh.
I duel the elf a few more times and at one point I was just shooting him. It was so funny but to be honest, it's just like Key to be that way. Some little blood elf paladin thinks he's good enough to talk to her? A rogue, Alliance no less, no way! She, as I did, would enjoy shooting him with her rifle as he runs around crying like a little girl because she was being mean. The whole time, the troll is laughing at him. We're all talking but the game makes it to Alliance and Horde can't communicate. So whatever that troll was saying, it had a few apostrophes and strange syllables and therefore, unintelligible.
Finally, Brin shows up and to be nuts, I send the flirt emote on the paladin before running inside the instance. We're not in there two minutes when a new character sends me a "whisper" (private message), saying he was the paladin and told me I was hot, etc. I had to laugh, he makes this compliment on the basis of my in-game character at the time. Turns out to be some high school kid. It's so fun to mess with those guys. I intend to continue doing so for some time. I just have to make to make it clear, I already like someone else. :P
In other news, I saw two movies with my family this weekend: 17 Again and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Both were entertaining and it was nice to get out.
17 Again was all right, though I still hate Zac Effron. Maybe in about 10-15 years if he's proven himself to be good actor not some Disney pretty boy I might respect that but...I just have a problem with pretty boys that are in movies to look pretty and draw the tween and teen crowd to waste their money because they're in it. The movie was predictable and it had it's moments so awkward you're not sure whether to cry or laugh at how bad it is.
Night at the Museum was much better, especially since it was in IMAX. Not exactly an Oscar winner but it was cute and story was...all right. lol. Some of the characters were flat but overall it was a funny movie.
Ahh, summer
After seeing Night at the Museum, we went to get snow cones. We almost went to the one there by the theater but we didn't. Instead we decided to go to the one in town. It had moved! Ack, but only a few short minutes later we found it. My dad got blueberry and I got "Blue Hawaii". It was good. The stand was by a park so we sat on a bench and enjoyed the warm weather was we ate our sugar soaked ice. That is what summer is all about.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
With great fear and passionate loathing
...I regard dirty old men and spiders. It's true but "Why bring this up?" you may ask. Well, some time ago I joined an online dating site (or two). I've pretty much ignored them but today I received a "flirt"...from a 41-year-old man. Can I run screaming? I cannot impress to you just how much I despise and fear such men. It might be related to the fact that I don't trust the male race in general. I don't know why. I've never been abused in anyway. My parents are happily married. It may be the fact that just about every guy I've ever known has disappointed me. I've given up on hoping that a guy will be decent from the start. I'm sure there are great guys out there. My guy friends are all awesome but *ahem* there are few I could never see myself as being more than friends with and the rest I'm not so sure we'd ever get past a few dates before deciding that being friends is better.
I will not recount how I have been disappointed. It would get repetitious but there are categories. There's my brother, we didn't get along and honestly I've always thought I was meant to be an only child. I love my brother and this is normal but it's much easier to get along now that we spend most of the year apart at school. I can look forward to seeing him.
Then my dad, a constant source of criticism. I know he loves me and wants the best for me, wants me to succeed but he makes everything about money and every time I get a C (or worse) he says those are the kind of grades are the kind people get in college and then get menial crap jobs. That kind of talk hurts. Then there's mainly guys my age that I liked that let me down but no one's perfect and I may yet find what I need and want in a guy. I'm not too picky (I think so). Finally, there are my friends. I love them all but when I hear about drinking (even moderately) underage and I get this sinking feeling. It seems I'm never invited to do anything with them (explicitly and this is true of most my friends regardless of gender). They say, come over anytime but that's never true. They're always busy it seems. When I make plans, they almost can never make it. I feel so isolated most of the time and usually I'm okay with it because I'm fairly introverted but today...I'm not doing so well.
I will not recount how I have been disappointed. It would get repetitious but there are categories. There's my brother, we didn't get along and honestly I've always thought I was meant to be an only child. I love my brother and this is normal but it's much easier to get along now that we spend most of the year apart at school. I can look forward to seeing him.
Then my dad, a constant source of criticism. I know he loves me and wants the best for me, wants me to succeed but he makes everything about money and every time I get a C (or worse) he says those are the kind of grades are the kind people get in college and then get menial crap jobs. That kind of talk hurts. Then there's mainly guys my age that I liked that let me down but no one's perfect and I may yet find what I need and want in a guy. I'm not too picky (I think so). Finally, there are my friends. I love them all but when I hear about drinking (even moderately) underage and I get this sinking feeling. It seems I'm never invited to do anything with them (explicitly and this is true of most my friends regardless of gender). They say, come over anytime but that's never true. They're always busy it seems. When I make plans, they almost can never make it. I feel so isolated most of the time and usually I'm okay with it because I'm fairly introverted but today...I'm not doing so well.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mistress of Outland
Keyaru hit 70 today! I am so happy.
She got her flying mount, too; a snowy gryphon. :D I suppose her being a rogue would dictate I had bought the ebon gryphon but I like my white bird. It's so lovely. Anyway, I'm not getting Wrath of the Lich King for a while. I'll be doing dailies in the Isle of Quel'Danas until I can train for and buy my epic flying mount. That's 1,200 gold needed right there. I might also save up for dual specialization. I'm not sure. Lol.
To the right is Keyaru with her current equipment, sans headgear and tabard. The blue pants and boots seem so out of place with the rest of her armor. I always thought she looked good in long sleeves. Lol. Right click > View Image to see it full size.
To the right is Keyaru with her current equipment, sans headgear and tabard. The blue pants and boots seem so out of place with the rest of her armor. I always thought she looked good in long sleeves. Lol. Right click > View Image to see it full size.
burning crusade,
Isle of Quel'Danas,
world of warcraft,
wrath of the lich king
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stalking the Netherstorm
Since getting home I've been power-questing in World of Warcraft. At first it was a little on my Horde characters on Kirin Tor (server/"realm") but then I thought, I want to get my main up to 70! So I hopped back onto Exodar and have been working on her since. She's already gained four levels and will hopefully hit 70 tomorrow, maybe the day after.
There are a lot of things I hate about the Netherstorm though. There are a lot of Blood Elves and ghosts, not to mention demons. I liked Terrokar Forest better. It's pretty and green and the music that plays there is so lovely. Netherstorm is a purple wasteland with music that makes me feel like I'm in hostile territory all the time. Well, actually I am but still...
Anyway, I'm aiming for one level a day, which at this high level takes some time even with the awesome addons I'm using: TourGuide and Carbonite. It's sad how WoW sucks all the time out of my day but the game requires so much if you want to get anywhere.
By the way, my blog ID image features my main character, Keyaru, in clothes more casual than her usual armor.
There are a lot of things I hate about the Netherstorm though. There are a lot of Blood Elves and ghosts, not to mention demons. I liked Terrokar Forest better. It's pretty and green and the music that plays there is so lovely. Netherstorm is a purple wasteland with music that makes me feel like I'm in hostile territory all the time. Well, actually I am but still...
Anyway, I'm aiming for one level a day, which at this high level takes some time even with the awesome addons I'm using: TourGuide and Carbonite. It's sad how WoW sucks all the time out of my day but the game requires so much if you want to get anywhere.
By the way, my blog ID image features my main character, Keyaru, in clothes more casual than her usual armor.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Finals began and then they were over.
I had two finals today: Learning and Development (L&D) and Organic Chemistry I; otherwise known as: "Why adolescents and teenagers look and act the way they do, maybe." and "See Carbon. See carbon bond. See carbon screw your GPA." respectively. I am so glad I joined that study group last night for L&D, it was fun and I learned exactly what I needed to know for the test.
As for organic? I tried to study Thursday through Sunday but I failed epically. Fortunately after finishing my L&D final in about 30 minutes I had plenty of time to study...After checking the mail, calling my dad, talking to DesireƩ, I went back to my room and finally studied. I condensed organic to the following:
Nucleophilic Substitution Flow Chart
[Uber-condensed]SN1, SN2, E1, or E2? (table)
Reactions of alcohols to form alkyl halides (table)
Reactions of alkynes (chart)
Having paid attention in class and taken some notes (lol), I was able to write these simple things down and remember the rest. It definitely helped when taking the test. I'd be happy to share them, you only have to ask. :D
Next up is Geography on Wednesday but I'm not worried. The teacher lectured straight out of the book. We're allowed to keep all our tests and given the answers the next class after the test.
Moving out, etc.
I'm moving out of my room Wednesday afternoon. As much as I love my friends, I'll be glad to get away for a few weeks. Tomorrow I pack up and do some initial cleaning. My parents should be up that evening. Wednesday morning we load everything up. I take my test and then leave. Yay!
I'm taking a 10-week summer course, Calculus II (again). You'd think I would learn by now that homework does help in understanding the material...but no. This is the third semester in a row I've had to repeat a class. At least this time I dropped it. The teacher was so awesome and gave me a WP (despite my epic failure on tests). I can't do grade forgiveness anymore. :( C'est ma vie. Sigh~...
In my brilliant plan to study, I played some World of Warcraft this weekend. I ended up playing a little more on a character that I'd been neglecting for a while now. The funniest part of playing this weekend was how I told my "Guild" I would return after having dinner and never logged back on. While eating dinner I decided to watch a movie online, or rather two: Emma and Spiderman 3. Could they be any more different? Seeing both took about four hours. Then I went to bed. And still didn't study Sunday.
I chatted with him Sunday on Facebook. No, I'm not telling you his name right now. It's more fun that way. He's the one I "should have dated" mentioned in the last post. I asked for another try and he seems to giving it. I'm going to stick my rules this time and be just friends and have fun as friends for at least two weeks before I jump into a relationship. We only met one weekend in February (dinner Saturday at IHOP and brunch at McDonald's, lol) but I was surprised how much I liked him. I hesitated to call it chemistry but I guess it was. I wonder if those feelings will all come back when I see him again.
Sorry, I was about to gush. No need to do that. So one more final then I go home and grind WoW like no tomorrow before (hopefully) getting it right and pwning Cal II instead of the other way around. :P
I had two finals today: Learning and Development (L&D) and Organic Chemistry I; otherwise known as: "Why adolescents and teenagers look and act the way they do, maybe." and "See Carbon. See carbon bond. See carbon screw your GPA." respectively. I am so glad I joined that study group last night for L&D, it was fun and I learned exactly what I needed to know for the test.
As for organic? I tried to study Thursday through Sunday but I failed epically. Fortunately after finishing my L&D final in about 30 minutes I had plenty of time to study...After checking the mail, calling my dad, talking to DesireƩ, I went back to my room and finally studied. I condensed organic to the following:
Having paid attention in class and taken some notes (lol), I was able to write these simple things down and remember the rest. It definitely helped when taking the test. I'd be happy to share them, you only have to ask. :D
Next up is Geography on Wednesday but I'm not worried. The teacher lectured straight out of the book. We're allowed to keep all our tests and given the answers the next class after the test.
Moving out, etc.
I'm moving out of my room Wednesday afternoon. As much as I love my friends, I'll be glad to get away for a few weeks. Tomorrow I pack up and do some initial cleaning. My parents should be up that evening. Wednesday morning we load everything up. I take my test and then leave. Yay!
I'm taking a 10-week summer course, Calculus II (again). You'd think I would learn by now that homework does help in understanding the material...but no. This is the third semester in a row I've had to repeat a class. At least this time I dropped it. The teacher was so awesome and gave me a WP (despite my epic failure on tests). I can't do grade forgiveness anymore. :( C'est ma vie. Sigh~...
In my brilliant plan to study, I played some World of Warcraft this weekend. I ended up playing a little more on a character that I'd been neglecting for a while now. The funniest part of playing this weekend was how I told my "Guild" I would return after having dinner and never logged back on. While eating dinner I decided to watch a movie online, or rather two: Emma and Spiderman 3. Could they be any more different? Seeing both took about four hours. Then I went to bed. And still didn't study Sunday.
I chatted with him Sunday on Facebook. No, I'm not telling you his name right now. It's more fun that way. He's the one I "should have dated" mentioned in the last post. I asked for another try and he seems to giving it. I'm going to stick my rules this time and be just friends and have fun as friends for at least two weeks before I jump into a relationship. We only met one weekend in February (dinner Saturday at IHOP and brunch at McDonald's, lol) but I was surprised how much I liked him. I hesitated to call it chemistry but I guess it was. I wonder if those feelings will all come back when I see him again.
Sorry, I was about to gush. No need to do that. So one more final then I go home and grind WoW like no tomorrow before (hopefully) getting it right and pwning Cal II instead of the other way around. :P
organic chemistry,
world of warcraft,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Why the name, an introduction, and to new beginnings
Why "Of Rain and Orchids"
It's raining outside; of course. I love my new orchid. I love orchids. Roses are pretty and carnations are nice but orchids are truly things of beauty. Exotic in shape and color, I'm just drawn to them. Hence the title. I made a header for this blog but until the creator of the stock I used okays it, it can only be seen in my deviantART gallery (see right).
An Introduction
There are those of who you know my real name; to those of you who do not you may call me Michelle. My general online alias is Koneko Decaelum. Koneko is Japanese for kitten. Decaelum is Latin and means "of heaven". I am also on Facebook and deviantART (I highly encourage you check out my page and gallery).
I am a junior in college and this is my fourth year of school. I have an associate of arts from a junior college not too far from where I now attend. I was originally a psychology major. Upon transferring I changed it to Chemistry and Secondary Physical/Earth Science Education. I hope to teach high school chemistry.
If nothing else, I strive to live in truth and love. If you live by those two simple principles you may yet live a long and happy life without regrets. 1 John is my favorite book of the Bible and speaks to me and my nature.
To New Beginnings
Finals are coming; they're next week in fact. It's a great relief to think the semester about over but I'm a little sad, too. I've made some wonderful friends this semester and grown closer to the ones I've had. I've met two wonderful young men. One I dated and other I should have (I may discuss this later). I've learned many new things and others I have been reminded of. There are things I wonder if I'll ever learn. I will face the coming week with hope and determination. Then I pack and retreat home for a few weeks before I must return for summer class.
It's raining outside; of course. I love my new orchid. I love orchids. Roses are pretty and carnations are nice but orchids are truly things of beauty. Exotic in shape and color, I'm just drawn to them. Hence the title. I made a header for this blog but until the creator of the stock I used okays it, it can only be seen in my deviantART gallery (see right).
An Introduction
There are those of who you know my real name; to those of you who do not you may call me Michelle. My general online alias is Koneko Decaelum. Koneko is Japanese for kitten. Decaelum is Latin and means "of heaven". I am also on Facebook and deviantART (I highly encourage you check out my page and gallery).
I am a junior in college and this is my fourth year of school. I have an associate of arts from a junior college not too far from where I now attend. I was originally a psychology major. Upon transferring I changed it to Chemistry and Secondary Physical/Earth Science Education. I hope to teach high school chemistry.
If nothing else, I strive to live in truth and love. If you live by those two simple principles you may yet live a long and happy life without regrets. 1 John is my favorite book of the Bible and speaks to me and my nature.
To New Beginnings
Finals are coming; they're next week in fact. It's a great relief to think the semester about over but I'm a little sad, too. I've made some wonderful friends this semester and grown closer to the ones I've had. I've met two wonderful young men. One I dated and other I should have (I may discuss this later). I've learned many new things and others I have been reminded of. There are things I wonder if I'll ever learn. I will face the coming week with hope and determination. Then I pack and retreat home for a few weeks before I must return for summer class.
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