Saturday, January 16, 2010


[Have you ever been going about your business and all of a sudden there's this explosion and you're left dazed, wondering what happened? It was like that. After an earthquake, it's best to get away from the rubble and gas leaks before an aftershock strikes.] Anyway, I have something more interesting to talk about anyway, school!
          So the first couple of days were great. I spend Wednesday writing notes for organic from the powerpoint the instructor. Oh thank God for internet and blackboard! Thursday was the start of classes. I got up early and met with a professor before class to talk about my job (going to be a TA for a couple of his labs this semester). The meeting was only about 10 minutes so I was half an hour early for my first class of the day (organic). I was pleased to learn there are about four people in that class I know. I immediately noticed a problem though, sitting next to one of my buddies has made me more talkative (it's related to the class but still not needed). I don't want to be a disruption in the class, otherwise I'll get on the instructor's bad side (do not want!). I actually like this instructor, he's energetic and clearly loves what he's doing. He checks often for understanding and as a result (at least in my opinion) his class moves along faster than the others. We usually end up a chapter ahead of them.
          My next class was (I want to say learning and development) classroom management. This is another good instructor. He taught junior high english for a few years. I had learning and development with him last spring and it was a great class. This will be 4000 (senior) level course but I'm not too worried about it. He doesn't make it too hard to make a B or even an A but we still learn a lot and are challenged throughout the course.
          There was an amusing moment in that class. We did an exercise where we had to walk around the room and talk at the same time; choosing three things to say about ourselves from a short, fun questionnaire we were given. The guy who went before me decided to go with the "I think ______ is overrated." line as of his three things. He chose science. I was going to say "I have never been [skydiving] but want to some day." but a few others had chosen that as well. Instead I went with the subject area and grade level(s): chemistry, 11th-12th grades because [blah blah blah]. We all had a good laugh. I really need to talk to that guy and help set him straight on his science literacy. Scientists are not full of themselves, thinking they know it all. We're not like that. Granted, we know more than you (lol) but we're fully aware that there's so much more to discover and that what we think we know and understand could be turned on its head with the next publication.
          Moving on: university physics I (again). This time is a different instructor. I actually had him for Descriptive Astronomy last year. I really liked that class; I learned a lot about celestial objects and what we know about our universe. It was easy, but then again it only required algebra, not calculus. His style is a bit different from the instructor I had last semester but I think I like it. The class is small, we only have 1 lab and about 30 people. He didn't use a powerpoint presentation for the first session but he didn't really need one. Now lab reports are a bit different, he doesn't want them written quite the same way as we did with the other professor. It's simpler but seems to convey just as much information. I like that. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm saying...
          The only class I haven't been to yet is Organic Spectroscopy. It's taught by the same professor whose labs I'm working.
          Okay, well I've avoided productive work long enough. Need to catch up on being ahead. If I finish early enough, I might play some World of Warcraft. :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

Apropos of Coldplay, school, and life in general

          Yes. At Grace's party, another friend of hers sang/played on the guitar the song "See You Soon". Ever since, my obsession for their music has renewed. I can't remember if I'd said it before but their music truly resonates with me and how I think with their moods, melodies and lyrics. It will be a truly sad day for me when they no longer produce music. i don't even want to think about it...!

          Classes start Thursday. I'm excited and a bit anxious. I'm taking only 13 hours but it's three science classes (physics 1: 1000 level course, organic chemistry 2 and organic spectroscopy: 3000) and an education course (4000 level course!). I'm also going to be a TA for a couple physiological chemistry labs (taught by the same instructor as my organic spec class). Throw in field experience for my education class, attempting to keep some social contact, be creative (I must return to writing, journal coding&design, etc!), and most importantly focus on God and grow in faith...that's a lot!
          It's okay, though (I guess). When I'm busy, I have purpose. Last semester, I was too busy and basically...this needs a metaphor. (I'm a metaphorically thinking kind of girl, ya know?) Juggling. Yes, that fits. 13 hours is just right, I can handle juggling that course load and do what I love/need to do. Last semester I was at 16 and in my attempt to juggle everything, most of the balls were dropped (or at least the more expensive ones, tuition isn't cheap)so I actually got little-to-nothing done. Too little (like staying home and playing WoW all day), and it gets boring. No challenge! I lose focus, suffer from apathy and melancholy sets in. Yes, this will do nicely.

Life in general.
          Dear Grace is leaving us for a semester abroad. Keep her in your prayers. I'll post a prayer now, actually.
          Abba, You are so awesome. Your love is more than we can ever know or even hold. We know you are with us. We know You'll take care of her. Let her be a light to those she meets and to grow more in You. Keep her safe. Help her to see more of the good in the world and those in it.
          For those that will miss her, may we also grow in You and be a blessing to those around us. Help us to focus on what matters and not stress over everything. You've got it under control. May we learn more about our respective disciplines, Your Word, and You. May we grow closer together; caring, loving, supporting, exhorting, and teaching each other.
          We thank You so much for Your love and sacrifice. In Your son's name, Amen.