Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Not looking to my own interests

          Recently a few people have encouraged me to, um, maybe not be forward, but at least say something to my crush. Yeah, I have one, in case you didn't know. Well, sort of. I'm okay as long as I'm not around him, otherwise I feel like I'm literally going crazy and I do not enjoy it. No, I don't intend to say anything to his face. Why? I can give a litany of reasons/excuses (take your pick) but in the end I care more about the friendships I do have than whether some guy likes me back. That and the whole crush-comes-and-goes thing. Oh, and marriage isn't something we can take to heaven. He's a friend and brother in Christ. We're going to the same place; that's enough.
          In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus talks about not worrying. Granted, food, clothes and shelter are the focus but why should it not include romantic relationships? God's in control and He's on my side. I've got better things to do, like pour my time and energy into my other relationships. Those are worth working for. Those are the treasures I can build up in heaven. Either I marry someone with whom I can further God's kingdom better than going it alone or with someone else, or I don't marry at all. Otherwise, what's the point? I don't feel like working or fighting for something that's not mine to chase.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
Philippians 2:3-4

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